Money isn't sex, but it is the memory of something that you might be able to exchange for sex.
This relates to the post entitled "Money and Sex" available at Michael Willams - Master of None.
Money has stumped economists for a long time. Why would we attach value to something intrinsically useless (when there is lots of other stuff that already has value), and then use that intrinsically useless stuff for just about everything (think about it, what do you use more than money)?
The explanation that I like the best is Naryana Kocherlakota's that money is a crude form of memory. And my take is that memory can lead to sex.
How so? Consider the courtship rituals of Chip and Dale. Chip works, gets paid with money, saves some, asks someone out on a date, and then shares wealth with them. Dale works, gets profuse thanks, remembers them, asks someone out on a date, and then shares memories of past greatness with a partner. Who gets a second date?
The problem here is not the amount or quality of the work, being compensated for that work, saving some of your efforts (Dale's memory is a form of saving), or sharing them with a partner. The problem is the form of the memories. If they are in your head, you look arrogant sharing them with others. If they are seemlessly recorded by the useless pieces of paper you are carrying that happen to be called dollars, then you can probably continue to proceed through the courtship ritual.
It gets better! If money is a memory of your work, then it is also a memory of your boss's work. So, having money is not only a tangible record that you did something useful, but also a tangible record that you did something useful for someone who in turn had also done useful work, and so on.
So, possession of money says that you play for the right team: the people who work, are connected to others who work, and who treat other team members equitably when they compensate them for services rendered. Sounds like a list of good qualities in a mate.
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Posted by: Assi Joan | February 02, 2005 at 02:09 AM