Do not fall for the red herring that big cities are inherently slower at counting electoral ballots.
Oh … and excuse me for mixing metaphors, but I think there’s two things going on here: one metaphor for each.
It’s going to be hard for me to say anything that could be interpreted as being in Trump’s favor without getting jumped.
Let me be perfectly clear. I didn’t vote for Trump. I also couldn’t bring myself to vote for Biden (I happen to think the evidence that he’s a crooked stooge is pretty strong).
So I’m happy with the result. But this also means Democrats should be worried if people like me are suspicious.
Anyway, here goes.
America is divided into voting precincts. These precincts are all of roughly the same population. They can be of different physical sizes.
All of this points to the conclusion that there is zero reason for vote counting to be slower in cities. If anything it should faster, since precincts tend to be denser. If anything, it should be faster because cities have more money to do this right.
Unless of course, someone in control wants it to be slower. The someone in control would be the local managers of the precincts.
Now think of all those voices you hear in the media that it would be ridiculously hard to cheat in a U.S. national election since there are so many precincts with local precinct-level control. Or are there?
The dog that didn’t (and isn’t) barking should be howling about this contradiction: cheating supposedly isn’t possible because of decentralized decision-making, and yet if that were true it would be impossible to have geographically correlated slowness in vote tabulation.
The lawyers have a name for this. The fact that all the slow places are cities … typically with histories of Democratic control … and in swing states … is prima facie evidence of a problem.
Maybe they can use a faster electronic system that displays results instantly! Anyhow, it was really sad even for an alien (to America) like me to see people so divided in politics, I may be wrong but despite Trumps policies that outsiders dint find so welcoming, i personally felt that he was right in protecting his nation from just about every tom dick and harry immigrating there. It would be good to see Americans united and with a great leader again, whoever it is.
Posted by: computer guy | June 25, 2021 at 08:57 AM